Friday, September 6, 2013

Snapchat Secrets - Also, it's Friday, Friday Gotta get down on Friday

Hey there homies. I apologize in advance for today's post, or lack thereof. 
I didn't have much time to do a full on post for you all but, I am planning on doing lots of fun things over the weekend to share with you next week! Today, I am taking a half day from work and going to spend the day with my best friend Christina, who is coming to visit from Shoalin (Staten Island woot woot). 

Will you forgive me if I send you some snaps? 

Do you forgive me?
 How about now?

I just found out that you can use black/white/pink/etc. on Snapchat.
Did you know this????? I had NO friggin clue. 

Via Buzzfeed - they did a full post on the secrets of snapchat! 
You just touch the color bar under the crayon icon and drag your finger diagonally across (up for white down for black) to make black/white/pink/brown and colors in between.

You can also filter your pictures so that it is B&W, Sepita, and Negative tones!


This video below shows you how to take a screen shot without the user on the other end finding out.
True Creeper Techniques.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
And don't forget to send me your best snaps :)


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