Friday, October 25, 2013

October Bark Box 2013 - Spoil your Dogs Rotten

Treat your baby with a Barkbox! TGIF homies. I have been so busy with work but I missed you all so much! Today, I want to share something special for dog-lovers.

BarkBox is a subscription based e-commerce company and content curator for dog-lovers! Like Birchbox, Barkbox sends you a box of goodies carefully picked out to make your pup give you extra kisses. They also have a cute blog called Barkpost and it's low key on the same level of Buzzfeed, but for dogs.
Every Month, my precious angel Leo waits for his special Barkbox with bated breath. 
This month was no execption.

Here's a tid bit from Barkbox:
When you sign up for BarkBox, every month you will receive a box in the mail with four or more carefully selected products and presents for your dog – anything from toys, bones and all-natural treats to hygiene products and innovative new gadgets!
If your dog is begging for more or you want to gift a favorite item to a friend, we’ll give you exclusive opportunities to order more products at a great rate.

A portion of proceeds from each box will go to help doggies-in-need. To learn more about our causes, read about our giving program.
Whether you’ve known your furry friend for years or have a new special canine in your life, BarkBox is the monthly necessity for keeping your pup entertained and feeling well loved.
To get a better idea of what's in the box (and to see some cute and happy dogs), visit our Facebook 

I get just as excited as Leo does...

What a spread! Come on, doesn't this box look amazing?

Leo could not wait to play with the Chevron Bear from Pet Qwerks.

Here is a description of everything in this special little box! 

So cute!

Lamb Nik Nacks - $3.19/Superior Pet Provisions

Baker's Best Autumn Harvest Goat Liver Dog Treats. Leo Loves these! Gluten-Free and made in Canada. Bark Box Exclusive, you wont find these easily.

I am SOOOOO excited to try this out! 
Mutt Meatballs Treat Mix For Dogs $7.99
I'll have to do a special post about it :) stay tuned homies.

How Precious! Guess our lucky puppy neighbors will be getting special treats this halloween! My baby Leo loves to share :)
Fruitables $9.99

I love watching Leo light up as he gets to try all of these amazing toys and treats! Don't waste another minute and get a subscription for your dog today.



  1. We can't wait till you try our Mutt Meatballs Mix!

    1. Thank you so much Your Dog's Diner! I'll be sure to feature your amazing meatballs on my blog soon!
      xoxo <3


      its up!
